UK's Natural Therapies Website
e.g. yoga, naturopath
e.g. Town name or city

The first piece of formatting that allows to you to spruce up your page immediately are bold, italics and underline. Below are snippets to show you how to add these formatting to your page. This is great for breaking up your ad into headings. See below for an example.

  Code type Example
1 <b>some text</b> bold some text
2 <i>some text</i> italics some text
3 <u>some text</u> underline some text

When you have mastered this, you may want to add more by playing with colors.

The first example shows red text, the second shows blue and bold together, you can experiment with other colours as well.

Here are the full list of colours. (aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow)

  Code Example
4 <font color="red">some text</font> some text
5 <font color="blue"><b>some text</b></font> some text

You can also change the size of your text

  Code Example
6 <font size="3">some text</font> some text
7 <font size="4" color="blue"><b>some text</b></font> some text

You can also change the type of font

  Code Example
6 <font face="Verdana">some text</font> some text
7 <font size="4" color="blue" face="Courier New"><b>some text</b></font> some text

Other fonts are  trebuchet ms, book antiqua. there are lots of other fonts, however be wary that they may look good on your computer but not be supported on others. We will put up standard fonts soon.


Naturopathy is a modality that has a description and you may want to describe a bit about your service here and how you can help your clients. You also may have some free offers that you want to offer or something that just want to stand out.


Naturopathy is a modality that has a description and you may want to describe a bit about your service here and how you can help your clients. You also may have some free offers that you want to offer or something that just want to stand out.